Category Archives: Poverty

Question #1: What is the least developed country in the Western hemisphere?

Question #2: What is the only predominately BLACK country in the Western hemisphere?


Answer #1 and #2: Haiti


I think not.

Take my farm… please!

When the white Zimbabweans owned the countries farms, the country fed most of sub-saharan Africa. Then in 2000, President Robert Mugabe decided it wasn’t fair that the evil whites were doing so well. So he had the “government” seize the white farms and  give them to the nations blacks.

“Gee. I wonder what happened?”

I’ll tell you what happened.

◊ The incompetent black Zimbabweans produced jack-shit.
◊ The countries economy is the worst peace-time economy in the world.
◊ Inflation is right around 25,000%.
◊ Unemployment touched 80% several months ago.
◊ Citizens are pouring out of the country as fast as they can.

Here’s a link to a CNN story about their latest fuck-up

Is Africa competent to self-rule?

I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t believe Africans should be allowed to self-govern. The leaders they choose (and the leaders who choose themselves) make a shit-hole out of every corrupt venture they put their filthy paws into. And when the 1% who are not corrupt (or warlords, or fucking psychos) tries to do something benevolent, it turns out even worse.

The natural resources of Africa are mind-boggling in both variety and quantity, but (in the few places where they are exploited) they are almost solely used to fund despots, wars and warlords.
Their arable soil is among the most fertile on the planet, but their childrens bellies are swollen from starvation.

Billions of dollars in gifts and grants are showered upon them every year; it’s wasted through inefficiency or pocketed by corrupt officials.
Factories and pipelines built by foreign investors offer jobs and infrastructure; they are burned or bombed by local separatist militias or religious fanatics. 

Ugandans slaughtering Indians. Hutus butchering Tutus. Muslim, Christian, and Animist carnage visited upon each other on a daily basis.

Muslim leaders forbidding Polio vaccines (because that’s how the West makes them impotent), Christian leaders speaking out against condoms and HIV retrovirals (because European countries have tainted them with AIDS).

I have always thought that I was against colonialism. I always believed that a people had an inherent right to self-rule.
As of late, Africa (and a few countries outside of Africa) has forced me to re-evaluate my position.

Cradle of Humanity? Not by my definition of the word.
Horror Show? Yeah. I can buy into that description.

I think it’s just about time for a new round of campaigns of African conquest.
We owe them that much.